Accounting expert

Accueil » Accounting expert

With more than 15 years of experience, SG Fiduciaire – member of the O.E.C. Offers you the skills of accounting expertise.

As a chartered accountant member of the O.E.C. Luxembourg, we are an independent service provider at the service of companies, benefiting from a professional qualification recognized by a title and subject to an established professional ethics and bound by professional secrecy (Art 458 of the Criminal Code).

As a chartered accountant we follow continuous professional training in order to be able to advise you.

We are kind to our clients to:

  • ORGANIZE, ASSESS and STRAIGHTEN out the accounts and accounts of all kinds.
  • PREPARE the annual accounts and/or consolidated accounts.

(The law reserving us the preparation of the annual accounts of companies whose turnover exceeds +- 4.6 million euros and the balance sheet total exceeds +-2.3 million euros-).

  • ANALYZE, by the processes of accounting technique, the situation and operation of companies and organizations in their various economic and financial aspects.
  • ACT as an independent service provider in the context of restructuring or liquidation of companies.